[Zope] Getting email fields right

flynt flynt@gmx.ch
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 13:13:50 +0100

Bruce Eckel wrote:
> I'm using the MailHost to send email from within an external
> method. I've tried a number of different combinations, including
> something as elaborate as this:
> self.MailHost.send("This is a test", # Body
>     "To: Bruce Eckel <Bruce@EckelObjects.com>",
>     "From: Bruce Eckel <Bruce@EckelObjects.com>",
>      "Test Email") # Subject
> However, I can't seem to get the "to" and "from" fields to show up
> right in the resulting email. All I end up with is a 'to' field of
> Bruce@EckelObjects.com
> and an empty 'from' field.
> I suspect others have done this before and solved the problem. Or
> will want to :-)

Hi Bruce

With the help of Lundh's *Python Standard Library* I got to the
following. This is in the external method:

import string
def testmail(self):
        message = "This is a test"
        mto = "Bruce@EckelObjects.com"
        mfrom = "Bruce@EckelObjects.com"
        subject = "Test Email"
        encode = None

        body = string.join((
                "From: %s" % mfrom,
                "To: %s" % mto,
                "Subject: %s" % subject,
                message), "\r\n")

        self.MailHost.send(body, [mto], mfrom, subject, encode)


--- Flynt