[Zope] batching/looping to find next item in python-scripts

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 20 Sep 2001 20:37:10 +0200 (CEST)

Trevor Toenjes writes:
 > What am I doing wrong here?...I realize I am missing some fundamentals.
 > # getPrevious Script (Python)
 > #
 > # determine the position of the current object
 > y=0
 > for o in context.objectIds():
 >     y=y+1
 >     if sequence-item
 >         currentPosition=y
 > ## loop to the previousItem and get ID
 > for o in context.objectIds():
 >     if sequence-item == currentPosition-1
 >         previousObject=sequence-item.id
 > return previousObject
Lots of things!

  Basic Python syntax errors:
    all compound statement headerlines end in ':',
    not only "for" but also "if" and "else"

  "sequence-item" is "sequence" minus "item".

    Usually, you have the following correspondence (very weak!):

      <dtml-in sequence>
	<dtml-var sequence-item>

    Python Script:
      for item in sequence:

    But this makes no sense with your code.
    You "o" is an "id". It does not make sense to
    have "if o:" nor "if o == cuttentPosition-1".

You must carefully think again....
