[Zope] Re: twiki and zope

A.J. Rossini rossini@u.washington.edu
06 Apr 2002 14:16:27 -0800

>>>>> "simon" == Simon Michael <simon@joyful.com> writes:

    simon> "Marcio Marchini" <mqm@magma.ca> writes:
    >> I use both and I have to say TWiki is still a lot more powerful than ZWiki.

    simon> Hi Marcio,

    simon> is it ? what features do you miss most ?

I'm not Marcio, but I'd love to be able to email-in attachments for a
page, and have some form of link off the page to them (i.e. like a
list at the top of a ZWiki page stating what attachments and from whom
are "attached" to a particular Page.  That's one feature of TWiki that
friends are using to make me jealous :-).  Of course, I've got lots of
other features to make THEM jealous, too (for example, ease of adding
second wiki :-).

Everything else seems to be working ok (though I've got some work to
do on some mods I made; I'm not the programmer I used to be).


A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini@u.washington.edu	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini@scharp.org
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