[Zope] preventing add list pollution - how?

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 19:28:00 +0200

Oliver Bleutgen writes:
 > I knew the best practice to do that, but I forgot it, and don't find the 
 > solution on zope or elsewhere, and probably I'm confused.
 > Say I have a container product, and objects which just will be added to 
 > that container or its subobjects. Therefore I don't want the subobjects 
 > to appear in the general add list, just in the add list of the container.
 > I know how to manipulate that add-lists, my problem is what to do with 
 > the subobjects to get them into zope "properly".
 > Do I write my subobjects like normal zope product, just without 
 > registering them with zope as products?
 > Do I then add instance of my subobjects to a container just using 
 > _.setObject?
I do it like this (for a CMF site):

class ContainerProduct(...):
  def all_meta_types(self):
    '''return list of allowed meta types.'''
    return (
      'name' : PortalConfig.meta_type,
      'action': 'PortalConfig_add', # that's a skin form, calling "addPortalConfig"
      'permission': ManagePortal,

  def addPortalConfig(self,id,title='',RESPONSE=None):
    '''add Portal Config object.'''
    o= PortalConfig(); o.id= id; o.title= title
    if RESPONSE is not None:
      RESPONSE.redirect('%s/manage_main' % self.absolute_url())

class PortalConfig(...):
