[Zope] LocalFS on Windows with Python 2.1.3

Ulla Theiss u.theiss@eurodata.de
Thu, 08 Aug 2002 10:43:05 +0200


I try to run the product LocalFS with under Windows with Python 2.1.3.

Starting Zope I get the following exception:

C:\Programme\WebSite\lib\python\ts_regex.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the
regex mo
dule is deprecated; please use the re module
  import regex, regsub #, Sync
C:\Programme\WebSite/bin/lib\regsub.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the
regsub module
 is deprecated; please use re.sub()

Followed by an exception window that the python15.dll could not be

Can anybody help me?

Does anybody know, if the combination LocalFS, Windows, Zope 2.5.1 and
Python 2.1.3 should be possible or if I should take another version of

Thanks in advance,
Ulla Theiß.