[Zope] Templates a step backwards?

Lee Braiden jel@ntlworld.com
03 Jan 2002 23:09:05 +0000

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Hi guys,

I'm fairly new to ZOPE, and although I've stuck my toes in the water a
few times now, I'm only starting to seriously look at it, and especially
the new CMF/Templates/etc.  I see why all this new stuff is being

What I'm not sure about is page templates.  Are they really a good
option, if you can life without WYSWYG editing?  I mean, surely they're
a step backwards, in that every page has to basically be a working
document.  Doesn't that bring in redundancy, with multiple pages holding
the same basic layout, and having the potential to get out of sync?  If
not, then great -- I'll look forward to using them.  But in that case,
what have I missed?

- Lee.

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