[Zope] auth info in RESPONSE.redirect

Aseem Mohanty aseem@neurobehavioralsystems.com
Wed, 05 Jun 2002 21:45:46 -0700

The problem is I am trying to implement a simple login method, and 
barring IE 5.1 and up all browsers behave nice and clean. IE is really 
erratic, sometimes ti keeps auth info sometimes it doesnt, since it 
screws up my logout process too.

Anyway, thanks for the info.

Florent Guillaume wrote:

>No. RESPONSE.redirect instructs the browser, using a Location header, to
>try another URL. There is no way in the HTTP protocol to instruct it to
>use a specific authentication.
>Aseem Mohanty  <aseem@neurobehavioralsystems.com> wrote:
>>Is there any way to send the authorisation information gotten by 
>>something like :
>>ac = encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))
>>auth = 'Basic %s' % ac
>>alongwith a RESPONSE.redirect('url') where url is a protected resource, 
>>so that the validation
>>does not pop up a username/password box and uses the suth info provided.

 Aseem Mohanty							   
 Neurobehavioral Systems Inc, 828 San Pablo Ave, Albany, CA 94706 
 (R) 510 7696011 (M) 510 3014871 (O) 510 5279231		  	
 "I saw `cout' being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and  
  stopped right there!!"                        -- Steve Gonedes  