[Zope] sha and newbie db question.

Jens Vagelpohl jens@zope.com
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 13:17:14 -0400

please keep this on the list so everyone can see it...

you can pass context by making "self" the first argument in the method 
defined in the module you put in the Extensions folder. then use self like 
you use context. it will be passed in automatically when you call the 
external method.


On Wednesday, June 19, 2002, at 01:12 , Alejandro Fernandez wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your answer. Just gone through the entire zope book "advanced
> scripting" chapter, but I couldn't find an example of how to pass context
> to an external method...  Could you give me an example please?
> Thanks!
> Ale
> On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 12:39:40 -0400
> Jens Vagelpohl <jens@zope.com> wrote:
>> external methods don't know "context" unless you pass it in via your
>> call to the method.
>> jens
>> On Wednesday, June 19, 2002, at 12:03 , Alejandro Fernandez wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just tried it in an external method, and it said "global name
>>> context not defined" - is this because it's in an external method?
>>> Maybe I should be importing something, or accepting some kind of
>>> parameter so it recognizes what the context is...
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Ale
>>> On Wed, 19 Jun 2002 14:51:41 +0200
>>> H.de.Wit@SFK.NL wrote:
>>>> I don't know anything about sha, but you can call a zsql methode
>>>> sql_abcdefg from a python script this way:
>>>> RS=context.sql_abcdefg(var1=v1,var2=v2)
>>>> for row in RS:
>>>>   for column in row:
>>>>       print column
>>>> Met vriendelijke groeten,
>>>> Hans de Wit
>>>> Stichting Farmaceutische Kengetallen
>>>> Postbus 30460
>>>> 2500 GL  DEN HAAG
>>>> Tel. 070-3737448
>>>> Fax 070-3737445
>>>>                       Alejandro
>>>>                       Fernandez                To:      zope@zope.org
>>>>                       <shomon@softhome         cc:
>>>>                       .net>                    Subject: [Zope] sha
>>> and>                       newbie db question.
>>>>                       Sent by:
>>>>                       zope-admin@zope.
>>>>                       org
>>>>                       19-06-02 10:58
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have 2 questions:
>>>> I'm trying to replicate the following php code in zope:
>>>> $code = $HTTP_POST_VARS["CODE"];
>>>> $codemd5  = md5($code);
>>>> I believe that in straight python, this would be:
>>>> hcode = sha.new(code).hexdigest()
>>>> (because as far as I know, there's no md5 equivalent of "hexdigest").
>>>> But when I run this in a python script, which recieves such a value
>>> from> a dtml method with a form in it, it complains that it's not
>>> allowed to> run"new". I'm sorry if this is a well known security
>>> restriction, and> the page of the zope book or of some manual to get
>>> around it would be> enough for me thanks!
>>>> Second problem is a lot easier: I've looked at the relational
>>> database> chapter of the zope book, but have not found exactly how to
>>> do a call to> a zsql method from within a python script. Is there
>>> somewhere where I> can get examples of the dtml/python script code
>>> behind a database backed> website? The code in particular wouldn't be
>>> to display something, but> for operations such as inserting, deleting,
>>> cacheing queries, storing> variables, etc.
>>>> Thanks so much!
>>>> Ale