[Zope] Transaction status codes in the ZODB?

Jean Jordaan jean@upfrontsystems.co.za
Thu, 2 May 2002 14:47:19 +0200

Hi all. 

When I run 'fsrecover.py' from 
Zope 2.5.1b1 (source release, python 2.1, linux2) 
on my Data.fs, I get 710888 errors like::

 __main__.ErrorFound: invalid status, ^@, at 23141234

This is output by the following in 'fsrecover.py'::

    if status not in ' up':
        error('invalid status, %s, at %s', status, pos)

Where are the status codes documented? How do they get set to invalid
values? From FileStorage.py I can make some guesses: 

'u' == undone
'c' == checkpoint
' ' == dunno?
status=packing and 'p' or ' '

But how/where does status get assigned values such as ^@ (ascii value 
zero)? The returned codes are:

^@, ^F, , ^M, ^R, ^_, %, +, 7, <, @, D, T, ^, k, {, ~, ^?, <8E>, <92>, 
<95>, <96>, <98>, <9A>, <A9>, <AA>, <AD>, <B4>, <B7>, <C6>, <CA>, <CD>, 
<DF>, <E3>, <E7>, <E9>, <EA>, <FA>

for what that's worth .. 

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems                         http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za