[Zope] system requirements

Tom Nixon tom.nixon@aim23.com
Tue, 28 May 2002 15:31:33 +0100


I need to quote for a fairly big Zope site and I am trying to work out
what sort of spec machine I will need for hosting.

The brief is for a minimum of 50 concurrent users, rising to a possible
2000. They will be doing a lot of searching on the site, and there will
be quite a lot of e-mails sent out by Zope. The site will also use an
SQL database - either mySQL or postgreSQL.

My current thinking is: 

 - Linux: RedHat?
 - Zope with ZEO in case it expands beyond one box
 - Apache
 - Squid?
 - 512 MB RAM
 - 18 GB SCSI with RAID
 - 1.8 GHZ processor

Am I along the right lines?

Will Zope coexist nicely with the database on the same box or should
they be separate from day one?

