[Zope] Re: zope3.tar.gz

zope zope@stylusinc.net
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 11:28:55 +0530

Thanks again for your help
I downloaded Python 2.2.2 from www.python.org as my machine did not have
Python 2.2
And i followed the step by step procedure you had suggested .
When I tried to start zope
with the command python2.2.2 z3.py

it gave me the following error:

Traceback(most recent call last):
  File "z3.py" line 72 in ?
  File "z3.py" in run
File " /Software/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Configuration/xmlconfig.py",line 221,
in  __ init__

File "/Software/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/Configuration/xmlconfig.py",line 276 ,
in xmlconfig parser=make_parser()
File " /Software/Python-2.2.2/lib/xml/sax/__init__.py",line 93,
             in make-parser rave SAXReaderNot Available("No parsers
      xml.sax._exceptions.SAXReaderNotAvailable No Parsers found

Is it because while doing the mak operation in Python I made an erro
I used the command
>> make makefile=MakeFile

Or is there something else I am missing out?
Please advice me on what to do next.
Thanks for all  your help and time you have taken for helping me.

Best Regards
John Kunchandy

> after u download teh tarball to ur system....
> 1)untar it and 'cd' to Zope3 folder
> 2)>>python2.2 stupid_build.py
> 3)>>mv principals.zcml.in principals.zcml
> 4)>>add your userid into principals.zcml ...u can refer
> sample.principals.zcml
> 5)>>change the HTTP port or browser port in zserver.zcml
> 6)>>python2.2 z3.py (this starts zope)
> thats it
> cheers
> rakesh

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