[Zope] breadcrumbs ques

Jaroslav Lukesh lsh@wo.cz
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 12:28:02 +0200

| Odes=EDlatel: AM <list_subscriber@neurobs.com>
| Hi I have the following breadcrumbs method:
| The problem is when I am in a folder:
| a\b\c\d\index_html

That I use vith virtual servers. You should change PARENTS[:-2] to value
that you need. Try to change them from PARENTS[0] to PARENTS[:-5] (if you
have too many nested dirs). I found it somewhere at zope site, do not kno=

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('rev', [])"
        ><dtml-in "PARENTS[:-2]" skip_unauthorized
	        ><dtml-let item=3Dsequence-item
   				><dtml-call "rev.insert(0, item)"
        ><dtml-in rev
			><dtml-with sequence-item
		       ><dtml-var title_or_id
	><dtml-unless sequence-end

Regards JL.