[Zope] what happens when I click restart...

Jamie Heilman jamie@audible.transient.net
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 20:39:28 -0800

Tena Sakai wrote:
> What hapeens when I click Restart button from /Control_Panel
> of ZMI?  Does the stop and start scripts in the zope directory
> (of server) get executed?

Depends which version of zope you're using, and how you have it set
up, but generally - no it doesn't do the same thing; the stop and
start scripts use signals, the restart button triggers a more gentle
shutdown and exits in such a way that zdaemon knows it should restart

Jamie Heilman                   http://audible.transient.net/~jamie/
"It's almost impossible to overestimate the unimportance of most things."
							-John Logue