[Zope] Help Error!!!

Dennis Allison allison at sumeru.stanford.EDU
Thu Aug 28 10:30:20 EDT 2003

You have installed a product which use the old (deprecated) regex module
rather than the current re module.  It should not be a problem (it is only 
a warning).  You may want to find the offending product and either upgrade
to a newer version that uses re or modify the product to use re.

Your "zope not responding" problem is not related to this particular

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Todd Loomis, (SAIC) wrote:

> All:
> I'm getting this error message every time I try to start Zope:
> /var/www/zope/lib/python/ts_regex.py:87: DeprecationWarning: the regex
> module is deprecated; please use the re module
>   import regex, regsub #, Sync
> /usr/lib/python2.1/regsub.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the regsub module is
> deprecated; please use re.sub()
>   DeprecationWarning)
> What gives, it was working fine then I got a call saying the site wasn't
> responding. So I restarted Zope and got this. Any help will be greatly
> appreciated.
> ============================================
> Todd

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