[Zope] Newbie: db handling question

fowlertrainer at anonym.hu fowlertrainer at anonym.hu
Thu Dec 4 07:55:07 EST 2003

Hello ,

  As you write in this week, the DA is commit/rollback automatically.
  If an error occured, the zope shows it's error page, and I can
  redefine it.
  This way is good to the normal web pages, but not too good for

  If I want catch these errors, and show, then two problem I get:
      set error=0
      set error=1

  The html page is structured to when error is 1, then it is show
  normal page with little red errormessage - and it's don't use
  zope's error page.

  - In this case I catch the exception, but because not raised again,
    the DA transaction is committed, not rollbacked.
    It is wanted to call the rollback directly.

  - I don't have the exception's errormessage, only if I use traceback
    module. Can I use that normally in threaded app like Zope ?

Thanx for any answers !!! And thanx for answers before this email.

Best regards,
 fowlertrainer                          mailto:fowlertrainer at anonym.hu

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