[Zope] Windows Installer updated

Andy McKay andy at clearwind.ca
Wed Dec 17 15:01:58 EST 2003

We've recently updated the ClearWind Windows Installer to use Zope 2.7 
b3 and Python 2.3, sorry, the recompilation took a little bit of time.

-	Python 2.3.2 instead of 2.2.3
-	Zope 2.7 b3
-	Removed LocalFS (apparently not fully functional)
-	Added BTreeFolder2 and VerboseSecurity

Installer: http://www.clearwind.ca/zope

The ClearWind Zope Windows Installer contains everything you need to get 
yourself up and running in Zope in no time. This provides an alternative 
to Zope Corporations Windows Installer.

Additions to this installer over the standard Zope Corporation one:

     * Additional Python modules:
           o Full Win 32 Installation
           o PIL
           o Reportlab
     * Additional Documentation:
           o Zope Book (2.6 edition)
           o Dive into Python
           o Full Python 2.3 documentation
     * Additional modules and products:
           o BTreeFolder2
           o External Editor (client and server)
           o VerboseSecurity
           o ZSyncer
           o Formulator
           o Localizer
           o Translation Service

   Andy McKay
   ClearWind Consulting

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