[Zope] Help with Dynamic Link

Chetan Kumar chetan@cdacindia.com
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:00:22 +0530

Hi all
The situation
1. Users have a number of entries in their accounts. These are stored in 
2. The users are presented with their entries. They should be able to modify
    these. Here is how it is planned.
          <td> Name </td>   <td> Entry </td>   <td> Details </td> 
    <tr tal:repeat="GotEntry here/GetMyEntries">
    <td tal:content="GotEntry/Name></td>
            <td tal:content="GotEntry/Entry"></td>
             <td tal:content="GotEntry/Details></td>
             <td tal: ###############><td>

I need to replace the "#####" space with something that works.
Under the column Update I need to provide a link to a python script 
The script should get the Name, Entry, Details from the ZPT and show the 
data in a form. I can handle if the script gets these arguments.

The problem is with create a link which will call UpdateData with proper 
I have tried the following
<td tal:replace="python: string${request/URL0}/UpdateData"> </td>
But this will not pass the values of arguments.

What is the trick to make if say URL0/UpdateDate?Name=Something where
Name is the entry in the same column. Meaning the link in each rows calls
UpdateData with different values.
