[Zope] Problems starting zope server on boot process / Redhat 7.3

Jens Vagelpohl jens@zope.com
Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:47:24 -0500

after doing the chkconfig --add, have you checked that the script will  
be run by looking at the output of chkconfig --list? you might have to  
do a chkconfig --level xyz zope on to set the runlevels.


On Sunday, Mar 16, 2003, at 09:51 US/Eastern, news@pernex.de wrote:

> Problems starting zope server on boot process / Redhat 7.3
> I am using zope on a redhat 7.3 vserver (server4free.de) machine for  
> the
> first time. Up to now I have only experiences with zope on suse 8.0
> (zope is preconfigured there).
> I am trying to get zope started at boot process.
>  - I installed zope correctly on the machine.
>  - changed all the necessary permissions according to
> http://www.zope.org/Members/markoer2/resources/howtos/ 
> redhat_7.3_startup
> .
>  - the zope startup script starts the zope server correctly
>  - created an init script zope at /etc/rc.d/init.d
>  - registered the zope service with chkconfig --add zope
> But nevertheless zope won't startup on boot process.
> When I try to invoke zope manually as root by
>  service zope start
> I only get
>  env: /etc/init.d/zope: No such file or directory
> I don't' get any further. What did I wrong? Can you help me? Thanx in
> advance.
> Cheers
> Dominik Fischer