[Zope] Re: Add Folders via PythonScripts [was] (no subject)

J Cameron Cooper jccooper@jcameroncooper.com
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 16:32:26 -0600

>> Can anyone tell me what OFSP is.
> Please use subjects with meaning...
> OFSP probably stands for Object File System Product
> (taken from 
> http://www.dieter.handshake.de/pyprojects/zope/book/chap3.html#ftn.c37ac15c11b5b2c12). 
> It gives you a hook to the constructors defined in additional 
> Zope-Products.

Most of your standard Zope objects (File, Folder, Image, DTMLDocument et 
al.) are defined in lib/python/OFS

Products cannot be registered from there, but only in the Products 
directory, so OFSP is in the Products directory to register those 
Products using the usual machinery.

It also provides Versions.

This can all be determined by looking at (1) the readme in OFSP or (2) 
the source there.
