[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] PROPOSAL: ZODB Relationships

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Fri, 09 May 2003 15:51:44 +0200

Jean Jordaan wrote:
> You could still delete the storage if you wanted to kill all stored
> relations, couldn't you?

Well, yes, which yet again makes me think this is not a good path 
forward. It feels to me that the relation either should be stored in the 
object, and indexed somewhere, or there should be one central secret 
invisible storage. The relationship between two objects should not be 
deletable from "outside" the object, that seems really weird. If the 
relationship really is stored outside the object, then the only way to 
delete that relationship should be through an API.
(With reasonable exceptions, such as deleting the ZODB, and setting 
Application.__relations = None, or something like that).