[Zope] Re: incredible growing urls

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 15 May 2003 21:13:00 +0200

Bill Bell wrote at 2003-5-15 10:46 -0400:
 > Dieter Maurer <dieter@handshake.de> wrote, in part:
 > >   A trivial URL reference is one not containing a "/". They are harmless.
 > >   A relative URL reference containing a "/" is non-trivial unless
 > >   the path segment before each "/" is either "." or "..".
 > >   Non-trivial URL references can cause growing URLs. Do not use them.
 > I'm a beginner. I have a very simple site in which the menu is generated with the 
 > following code:
 > <dtml-with OSPN>
 >   <dtml-in "objectItems(['Folder'])" sort="id">
 >     <dtml-if expr="id[0] in '0123456789'">
 >       <a href="&dtml-id;"><dtml-var expr="id[2:].replace('_', ' ')"></a><br/>
 >     </dtml-if>
 >   </dtml-in>
 > </dtml-with>
 > Each time one clicks on a menu item the corresponding page is displayed. There 
 > appears to be no non-trivial URL reference. owever, the URL grows.

You must look at the HTML source of your page (ask your browser
for the page source).

When it does not contain complex relative URLs, then the URLs should
not grow.

If this is wrong, please post the HTML source.
