[Zope] Q/OT: How to Share Information across Organisations

Bill Bell bill-bell@bill-bell.hamilton.on.ca
Sun, 18 May 2003 11:18:51 -0400

Although this question is not about Zope per se, I'm sure that Zope offers some good 
ways of implementing solutions.

I have just started creating a web site for the Ontario Suicide Prevention Network, as 
a volunteer. I have found quite a few organisations that offer information for people 
who are suffering great distress. However, there appears to be no central list that all 
organisations might share so that any individual finding one of the sites would be 
sure to obtain all available information, particularly about telephone distress lines.

Would someone please suggest alternative ways of implementing a common list? I 
have been thinking in terms of providing some kind of RSS feed. How does that 

Thanks for any help.
