[Zope] Little change of DT_Var.py for dtml-var modification

Jaroslav Lukesh lukesh at seznam.cz
Thu Nov 20 07:43:47 EST 2003

Hallo all,

I want to add parameter "cut=###" to <dtml-var> tag. It is opposite for
"size" parameter, at Zope 2.5.1 you can find it around line 260 of

But after restart (*.pyc file successfully created) the modified tag

<dtml-var file cut=200>

does not cut anything, returns whole text from file instead file with
missing first 200 chars...

Does somebody have idea, where I need to change more?

Many thanks, J. Lukesh


        if have_arg('size'):
            try: size=int(size)
            except: raise 'Document Error',(
                '''a <code>size</code> attribute was used in a
                tag with a non-integer value.''')
            if len(val) > size:
                l=val.rfind(' ')
                if l > size/2:
                if have_arg('etc'): l=args['etc']
                else: l='...'

        return val

        # added 'cut', opposite derivate from 'size'
        if have_arg('cut'):
            try: cut=int(cut)
            except: raise 'Document Error',(
                '''a <code>cut</code> attribute was used in a
                tag with a non-integer value.''')
            if len(val) > cut:
                l=val.rfind(' ')
                if l > cut/2:
                if have_arg('etc'): l=args['etc']
                else: l='...'

        return val

And I have defined here (around line 160)

    def __init__(self, args, fmt='s'):
        if args[:4]=='var ': args=args[4:]
        args = parse_params(args, name='', lower=1, upper=1, expr='',
                            capitalize=1, spacify=1, null='', fmt='s',
                            size=0, cut=0, etc='...', thousands_commas=1,
                            html_quote=1, url_quote=1, sql_quote=1,
                            url_quote_plus=1, missing='',
                            newline_to_br=1, url=1)

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