[Zope] Re: [ANN] Epoz 0.8.6 released

Anderson xtreme02 at tpg.com.au
Sat Dec 4 00:19:51 EST 2004

Nate Aune wrote:
> The __init__.py file contained in the tarball that I downloaded from
> http://mjablonski.zope.de/Epoz/releases/Epoz-0.8.6.tar.gz
> is plagued with the dreaded DOS carriage-returns.
> I.e.
> import re^M
> import urlparse^M
> And my hosting provider (zettai.net) doesn't have the cmd line tool dos2unix
> installed!

Do they have tr?

I can't remember the exact syntax, its along the lines of:

tr -d '\r' < inputFile > outputFile

ALthough that would be slow to do unless you script it....

Do you have fromdos/todos installed? (similar to dos2unix etc.)


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