[Zope] Fedora, Python 2.2.3, Zope 2.7, and Plone 2

Scott Stevens scotts at panskepsis.net
Sun Feb 22 22:37:54 EST 2004

On Sun, 2004-02-22 at 20:28, hpinson at indepthl.com wrote:

> Hello. I am setting up a new server for a client, who is asking for 
> Redhat Fedora Core 1.  The applications will be Zope 2.7 and Plone 2 
> based.
> The Fedora Core 1 package list states Python 2.2.3 is part of the 
> distro.
> My understanding is that Zope 2.7, Plone 2, and Python 2.2.3 play 
> well together. Is the correct?  Are there issues I should be aware 
> of?

I believe Zope 2.7 requires Python 2.3.3.  You can get Python 2.3.3 RPMS
for Fedora from http://www.python.org/2.3.3/rpms.html.  These install
"alongside" the existing Python 2.2 without disturbing it.  Then you
just have to tell Zope to use /usr/bin/python2.3 rather than

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