[Zope] ZODB Connection

Wilton Souza Alencar wiltonsa at brturbo.com
Wed Mar 24 09:25:25 EST 2004

Hi Guys,
I am Brazilian Zope Developer in a Governamental Institute and a I am using a Zope 2.7 Instance with Plone 2.0, ArcheTypes 1.3a2  and PloneCollectorNG 1.1.3.
Sometimes, when I am using my system (a intranet) this erros is presented:

Request URL http://intranet/intranet/setores/SIT/solicitacoes_sit/createObject
Exception Type InvalidObjectReference
Exception Value Attempt to store an object from a foreign database connection

Traceback (innermost last):

    * Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 104, in publish
    * Module Zope.App.startup, line 221, in commit
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 233, in commit
    * Module ZODB.Transaction, line 348, in _commit_objects
    * Module ZODB.Connection, line 418, in commit
      __traceback_info__: (('Products.PloneCollectorNG.Issue', 'PloneIssueNG'), '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x06I\xb5', '')

I think that is a problem with ZODB....
Do you have some idea what is?
How can I solve this problem?
Is something wrong with my Products or options?

Well, if you have some sugestion, send me.
Wilton S. Alencar (TOM)
wiltonsa at brturbo.com

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