[Zope] webdav / IE

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Sun Sep 26 13:25:17 EDT 2004

Well, then it's still a mystery.  Some binary exclusion in the code
would need to take place to see just why IE thinks its a reasonable
thing to ask for OPTIONS on that second request. :-(

On Sun, 2004-09-26 at 12:35, John Hunter wrote:
> >>>>> "Chris" == Chris McDonough <chrism at plope.com> writes:
>     Chris> How about commenting "ETag" headers out too?  Any joy?
> I only found one place in the webdav subdir where etag headers were
> set and that was in Resource.py.  Commenting that out, along with the
> MS-Author-Via header, did not help.

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