[Zope] à l'aide

bruno desthuilliers bruno at modulix.org
Fri Dec 16 05:08:07 EST 2005

adeline nombre wrote:
> bonjour
> je suis un débutant. je veux installer zope sur la debian. mais j'ai
> remarqué un repertoire /usr/lib/zope. j'ai donc conclu que zope a été
> installé avec mon system debian. maintenant comment faire pour démarer
> zope. dois-je faire un start et où?
> merci


First, please dont post in french here, this is an english-speaking list.

Havin zope libs installed is mandatory, but not enough - you now need to
create a zope instance (the actual server).

/usr/lib/zope holds zope's libs, as well as some utilities in the bin
subdirectory. One of these utilies is named mkzopeintance.py, and you
have to use it to create your Zope instance. mkzopeinstance will ask you
where you want to install the instance, and for an admin name and
password. Once done, you can start that instance with
<path/to/your/zope/instance>/bin/zopectl/start, then point your browser
to localhost:8080/manage, log in, and enjoy !-)

bruno desthuilliers
bruno at modulix.org

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