[Zope] Re: ZSQL with different user

Pier Luigi Fiorini pierluigi.fiorini at yacme.com
Tue Dec 20 04:07:09 EST 2005

> I would also be interested in multiuser ZSQLs, though it's not my main
> goal and I don't expect participating on such coding.
> Provided there wont be thousands of users (mine number is just about
> 20), how about to create a pool of connections in some ZODB folder,
> simply identified as sqlconn_jack, sqlconn_john, sqlconn_martin, ... and
> teach ZSQLMethod to select appropriate connection upon request?
> SQL connections currently support auto-connection upon request, so a
> timeout disconnection would be nice added feature in this case, but for
> small number of users it does not seem to be necessary.
> I think this would be a considerable, but easily implemented, step to
> obtain SQL userbase binding.

> Is there a problem somewhere?
Yep, I thought to do it as well but it's not so elegant (which may not be a 
problem) and you cannot maintain it when users create other users because you 
also have to create another psql connection.
YACME S.r.l.
Via del Mobiliere, 9 40138 Bologna
Tel: +39 051 538709
Fax: +39 051 532399
pierluigi.fiorini at yacme.com
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