[Zope] Help with Zope Python result object please!

David H bluepaul at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 30 12:51:04 EST 2005

Alric Aneron wrote:

> hello,
> I have a python code that recieves two result objects from two 
> different ZSQL methods.  I need to join them (sort of like UNION).
> I can't do result1+result2, otherwise it raises an exception that the 
> + operator isn't supported.
> When I try to do this (read below, I explained what i've done if you 
> are lazy to read the code)
> result1 = context.zsqlmethod1()
> result2 = context.zsqlmethod2()
> if (len(result1) == 0):
>     return result2
> row1 = 0
> row2 = len(result1) + 1
> col = 0
> for r in result2:
>    col = 0
>    if (context.duplicateExists(result1, result2[row1][0]) == -1):
>        result1[row2][col] = result2[row][col]
>        col = col + 1
>    row1 = row1 + 1
>    row2 = row2 + 1
> return result1
> Basically, it loops through the rows and columns of result2 and adds 
> them to the end of th e result 1.  However it for some reason raises 
> "index out of range" and says that assigning 
> result1[0][0]=result2[0][0] (if there is an element in both of them) 
> is illegal because:
> *Error Value: object does not support item or slice assignment
> *I realize that in most programming languages you can't add them to 
> result1 without resizing it first, but I can't find much documentaiton 
> on member functions of the result object, so I can't resize it. 
> I am completely stuck, I've tried everything, spent so much time on 
> it, can anyone please help save my sanity :P
> Thanks in advance guys! I really appreciate it.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Y 
> <http://pa.yahoo.com/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=37474/*http://promo.yahoo.com/broadband/%20>

The merging of two zsql result sets is easy - here's one way:
newResults = []

for r in resultset1:
  newResults.append( r )

for r in resultset2:
  newResults.append( r )

return newResults.


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