[Zope] Re: installing PIF in win32 zope

Josef Meile jmeile at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 4 10:00:47 EST 2005

Hi Ian,

> I believe it'll be easier for a newbie to use PIL modules from
> Zope ExternalMethods.
> - Install PIL in Windows from binaries (site mentioned above).
> - Just create a file in <Zope install path>\Extensions,
> and inside ZMI (Zope Management Interface) create a ExternalMethod 
> object that maps to a function inside the prior file.
Yes, that's right. However, if you are using a zope binary, you will
you will have also need either to install a python 2.3.x binary (*),
install PIL, then move it to the zope's python libraries, or fake the
windows registry (**) to tell where to install PIL.

(*) The PIL binary looks for the python installed on the system and
     because zope doesn't register the python binary it uses, you have
     to do this step. To see what files you have to copy and where,
     see the following reference.

(**) Here on this page is a registry file, which you will have to
      modify on a text editor in order to reflect the python version of
      zope (replace "2.1" for "2.3", for Zope 2.7):

      Please read carefully the contents of that web page. It is a little
      bit outdated because it was made for Zope 2.5.1, so, if you want to
      use 2.7.x, then instead of copying the pil.pth file and the PIL
      folder into: folderYourZopeFolder/lib/python, you have to copy it
      into: folderYourZopeFolder/bin/Lib/site-packages.


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