[Zope] Re: ZopeZoo

yuppie y.2005- at wcm-solutions.de
Wed Jun 22 09:07:02 EDT 2005

Hi John!

John Poltorak wrote:
> In my quest to get to grips with the basics of ZPT I eventually stumbled 
> across ZopeZoo which I found very useful. Looking at it again, there seem 
> to be several variations of the same examples.
> I used this one:- 
> http://www.plope.com/Books/2_7Edition/SimpleExamples.stx#2-10

This one is the latest version and as soon as the 2.7 edition (or maybe 
it will become the 2.8 edition) of the Zope Book is done it will replace 
the 2.6 edition on zope.org.

This chapter is not finished jet. The last part is just copied from the 
2.6 edition and doesn't work with the rest.

> but find there are a couple of variations here:-
> http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/SimpleExamples.stx

This one is the last 'official' version, but I would not recommend to 
use it.

> http://www.zope.org/Members/jwhitener/zopeZoo_2_6

The 2.7 rewrite is based on this text, but while this text is a 'stand 
alone' tutorial, the book chapter builds on top of the previous chapters.

> Is there a definitive site for ZopeZoo? And is there a followup anywhere? 
> I found I was getting the hang of it but could have done with a part two 
> to show how to incorporate various divisions such as columns under ZPT.

The guest book example has to be converted to ZPT anyway, but the 
highest priority should be to *finish* the latest edition, not adding 
new examples.



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