[Zope] ZODB issues

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Tue Mar 1 11:40:29 EST 2005

Craig Lewis wrote:
>    return getattr(__import__(location, _globals, _globals, _silly),
> ImportError: No module named *ED1fLY3QImx5D39mCNz0gw==

Looks like you have A ZClass missing...

> -su-2.05b$ ls import/
> AdManager.zexp                  ZopeTutorialExamples.zexp       custom.zexp
> Examples.zexp                   acl_users.zexp                  
> submit_resume_form.zexp
> Portal.zexp                     biz_referral_form.zexp
> README.txt                      content.zexp

...or, more likely, you've tried to import a site in bits. A ZClass ends 
up as being idenitifed by the garbage in the above ImportError, if you 
import it from a .zexp, I reckon the garbage might be different, and 
you'll get the error above.

The long term solution is not to use ZClasses ;-)

In the meantime, get the Data.fs and use that rather than trying ot do 
it using .zexp's...



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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