[Zope] ZSQL result passing

burley at zonnet.nl burley at zonnet.nl
Wed Mar 9 07:26:50 EST 2005

In a DTML method I'd like to pass the result from an ZSQL method to aPython
script. I've tried the following (which doesn't work but explainsmy idea):

Having a ZSQL my_zsql_members_call simply defined as:

    SELECT * FROM members;

I'd hoped that in:

<dtml-let members=my_zsql_members_call>

   <dtml-in my_zsql_iterator_call prefix="seq">
        <dtml-var my_python_call(item=seq_item,members=members)>


the my_zsql_members_call would return a *list* of multiple rows (or kind
ofsequence object) of members information data to be used thereafter in the
<dtml-in> iteration. Obviously, this is not the case. 

Technically, my problem can simply be restated as follows: how do I retrieve a
multiple row ZSQL result and bind it to a single variable so that it can be
passed to and iterated upon in a Python script?


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