[Zope] DeadlockDebugger - Anyone tried using it?

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Wed Mar 9 09:41:41 EST 2005

Etienne Labuschagne  <elabuschagne at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I installed it and the python threading pieces it needs as directed. Modified the config file as directed. Moved the folder under Products as directed. Restarted my 3 Zope/ZEO clients.
> You have double checked that threadframe works under Python?
> eg.
> >>> import threadframe
> >>> threadframe.dict()
> {1234: <frame object at 0x123123123}
> or something similar.

That's a good test for threadframe installation, yes. Not that it should
be done with the python that's used to run the Zope instance.

> > It does not show up as a Product 
> It won't - it's a very low level hook which is good as it can serve
> even when Zope hangs

No, it is a normal Zope product that should show up in the Control Panel.

> > in the CP and passing the SECRET phrase as directed results
> > in a "Resource not found" error and "Resource: manage_debug_threads GET"
> I know you say you have changed it, but to recap, make sure of the
> following in custom.py:
> 1) You MUST change the SECRET variable's value to something else than
> the default (this one caught me out)
> 2) Make sure that the ACTIVATED variable is set to True, it is False
> by default. (This one also caught me out - doh)

The double customization was make sure people read the doc, and to make
it possible to disable the product without erasing the password.

> > No other errors or complaints that I can see starting Zope. Does the
> > ZEO server need to be restart? Just not sure.

You should see an INFO message in the logs when starting Zope saying
that the product is installed. Or an ERROR message saying what's wrong.


> No, this should be Zope client specific and should have nothing to do with ZEO
> > We get Zope clients that will spin and spin and never come back.  Sounds like this is supposed to let one 'see' what is hanging. My impression anyway.
> It doesn't help. It HELPS A LOT!  Get it running and you world will change ;)

Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   fg at nuxeo.com

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