[Zope] DeadlockDebugger - Anyone tried using it?

Allen Schmidt aschmidt at fredericksburg.com
Sat Mar 12 22:11:20 EST 2005

I got this working!! It is really quite slick. I could just keep hitting refresh all night.

I checked in python that the parts were there and worked. My event.logs showed it coming up.

I had it in an old Products folder. That was the problem and now it shows in the CP/Products folder.

So if I now see a spinning zope, I can run this and see....what? I can't wait for one of the clients to hang up! 


Florent Guillaume wrote:
> Etienne Labuschagne  <elabuschagne at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>I installed it and the python threading pieces it needs as directed. Modified the config file as directed. Moved the folder under Products as directed. Restarted my 3 Zope/ZEO clients.
>>You have double checked that threadframe works under Python?
>>>>>import threadframe
>>{1234: <frame object at 0x123123123}
>>or something similar.
> That's a good test for threadframe installation, yes. Not that it should
> be done with the python that's used to run the Zope instance.
>>>It does not show up as a Product 
>>It won't - it's a very low level hook which is good as it can serve
>>even when Zope hangs
> No, it is a normal Zope product that should show up in the Control Panel.
>>>in the CP and passing the SECRET phrase as directed results
>>>in a "Resource not found" error and "Resource: manage_debug_threads GET"
>>I know you say you have changed it, but to recap, make sure of the
>>following in custom.py:
>>1) You MUST change the SECRET variable's value to something else than
>>the default (this one caught me out)
>>2) Make sure that the ACTIVATED variable is set to True, it is False
>>by default. (This one also caught me out - doh)
> The double customization was make sure people read the doc, and to make
> it possible to disable the product without erasing the password.
>>>No other errors or complaints that I can see starting Zope. Does the
>>>ZEO server need to be restart? Just not sure.
> You should see an INFO message in the logs when starting Zope saying
> that the product is installed. Or an ERROR message saying what's wrong.
> Florent
>>No, this should be Zope client specific and should have nothing to do with ZEO
>>>We get Zope clients that will spin and spin and never come back.  Sounds like this is supposed to let one 'see' what is hanging. My impression anyway.
>>It doesn't help. It HELPS A LOT!  Get it running and you world will change ;)

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