[Zope] avoiding 'AttributeError'

Malthe Borch mborch at 3avod.dk
Mon Mar 28 03:33:18 EST 2005

Chris wrote:

' if you're processing stuff, you sghould probably be doing it in a python
' script. ZPT is just for presentation...

Well, --- I'm using an external script to open a firewall and I'd like it to
inform the user of the result of that operation. So I redirect it to the page
the user came from and add '?fw_result=something'.

Naturally, this page is sometimes shown without this parameter attached, so I
need to make sure that the attribute exists before displaying it.

I don't think that's logic. However, I would like to know how to use Plone's
built-in form result logic. It seems you always get a little nifty orange bar
telling you the result. I tried this:

qs = context.create_query_string(
    REQUEST.get('QUERY_STRING', ''),
    portal_status_message=("My Message")

But that didn't work ;)


 mail: mborch at 3avod.dk
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