[Zope] ZODB caching issue

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Thu May 12 15:00:35 EDT 2005

David Chandek-Stark wrote at 2005-5-12 10:49 -0400:
> ...
>   Previously used RDFSummary 2.4
>   When a new item is added to the RSS feed (b/c a news item was 
>published), my ZPT displays the RSS data inconsistently with each 
>browser refresh -- sometimes the new item appears, sometimes not.

A bug in "RDFSummary" which uses a ZODB cache to maintain
the fetched items.
Unfortunately, each connection has its own independent ZODB cache....

Using a ZODB cache for this use case is both inefficient
and error prone.

You should contact the "RDFSummary" authors.


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