[Zope] INSTALLING gcc (and ZOPE) on DEBIAN

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Oct 7 14:34:53 EDT 2005

On 07.10.05 19:34:32, benmania at web.de wrote:
> > Because that, I assume
> > that I have to kill certain processes in order to get more free swap -
> > am I right?
> > Probably not, no.
> Why not? I dont understand - killing processes does not mean getting their space? 

if you can kill them... 

> > > But what processes am I allowed to kill? Are there any processes that are absolutely neccessary?
> > 
> > Only the ones you have started.
> I do not understand your answer at all. So I cannot kill any processes that are running on my Vserver (since I have not started any of them)?!? 

That depends on wether you have the rights to kill them, i.e. do you
have root-rights? If you do, you should be cautious to not kill the
wrong processes, i.e. sshd, you current shell or init. 

> But do you advise me to do? 

I think you should get a good book in linux administration to start with
that, the stuff discussed here has nothing to do with Zope.


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