[Zope] How to create a file and send it by e-mail ?

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Tue Oct 11 06:56:40 EDT 2005

(please keep the list CC'ed in)

Nicolas Georgakopoulos wrote:
> Chris Withers wrote:
>> Nicolas Georgakopoulos wrote:
>>> Hello all, I'm developing using ZPT and I need to create a file (CSV 
>>> format) but I'm having some problems:
>>> * 1. *I only know how to create files with python but I get an
>>> *    Error Type: NameError*
>>> *    Error Value: global name 'file' is not defined.
>> Indeed, just build your csv as a string :-)
> Yes I will build my csv as string but how can I save it as a file ?

Why do you think you need to?

Is the csv data dynamically generated?

If you need to store it, create a Zope File Object in the python script 
that processes submission from your ZPT.

>>> * 2.*When I create my file how can I send it as an attachment by mail 
>>> ? (I already have setup my mail host object and I can send mail's 
>>> successfully.)
>> I just wrote a product specifically for this ;-)
>> http://www.simplistix.co.uk/software/zope/mailtemplates
> Thanks, I'm looking to it rigth now.

You'll want to build your own MIMEBase object and attach it to the 
result of rendering your Mail Template if you build your csv in a string.

If you end up with a Zope File object or a ZPublisher FileUpload object, 
then you can just do:

msg = context.my_mail_template.as_message(
          # insert your params here


There's plenty of examples in the readme.txt file, or in the tests folder...



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