[Zope] marshall zsql results

Christopher Rivard chris at chrisrivard.com
Sun Oct 30 19:11:23 EST 2005


I am having a little difficulty with a result object from ZSQL.
The MySQL form input is a series of checkboxes that are creating a 
"mapping table".

I have gone round and round and landed here:

The checkboxes are marshalled as:

SQL like this:

<dtml-in list_map_dir_id>
insert into listing_map (list_map_dir_id, list_map_list_id) values
(<dtml-sqlvar sequence-item type=int>,
<dtml-sqlvar list_map_list_id type=string>
<dtml-var sql_delimiter>

MySQL data type is int for this column.

All of this works fine, but ideally I would like to manipulate the id's 
as a list.

I have tried a few variations and regularly run into "len of unsized 
object" if I try to insert as a varchar or insert the full list as 
I have tried a few different MySQL data types, but no luck.

Retrieving the results like this:
select * from listing_map where list_map_list_id = <dtml-var list_id>

And mapping them back to the directory table like this:

select t1.*
from directory as t1
left join listing_map as t2
on t1.dir_id = t2.list_map_dir_id
where t1.dir_id = t2.list_map_dir_id && t2.list_map_list_id = <dtml-var 

Is there a way to marshall the results of this ZSQL object back into a list?

I am branching the subsequent forms based on the above query results.  
The difficulty I am running into are exclusion situations

A and B not C

Seems like it would be easier if I could loop through and pull id's from 
a list.  Maybe I'm asking the wrong question.

Thanks in advance,

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