[Zope] Re: zope unresponsive

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Mon Apr 24 18:29:43 EDT 2006

Try DeadlockDebugger.


Andy Altepeter wrote:
> Hey All,
> I'm experiencing hanging issues with my Zope-2.8.6+zeo setup/ RHEL 4. The 
> hanging isn't categorized by 100% cpu usage. Actually, I had the same issues 
> using 2.8.5, but I've upgraded since then.  Here's the situation:
> I have one zeo client connected to a zeo server on the same box.  Apache sits 
> in front, using RewriteRules to request data from zope.
> After some time (could be 2 minutes or an hour), the zeo client stops 
> responding.  Apparently this is called a deadlock or a "spinning zope".
> I've tried using gdb to attach to the zeo client pid, and use the recipe 
> http://zopelabs.com/cookbook/1073504990 to print a traceback, but the call 
> always aborted with SIGABORT. 
> I've captured all of the requests sent to zope during an uptime window (via 
> Z2.log), and using wget to "replay" the requests.  I've also pulled from 
> apache's rewrite log all requests proxied to zope, thinking the Z2.log only 
> writes finished requests.  I setup another zeo client (on the same box, 
> different port) and used wget to replay these captures as well.  Just running 
> these captures does not cause zope to hang.  In fact, I have not been able to 
> cause zope to hang by replaying.  There doesn't seem to be any one url or 
> sequence of urls that cause zope to hang.
> I've tried reinstalling the zope instance, but that didn't help.
> I've tried using requestprofiler.py to inspect the trace.log.  This shows a 
> high number of "hangs", but not on a url that actually triggers a spinning 
> zope.
> Basically, that's where I'm stuck.  Is there anything else I can try?  Am I 
> missing something?
> Thanks for the help,
> Andy
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Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   fg at nuxeo.com

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