[Zope] SSL over Multiple Zope/Plone sites?

michael nt milne michael.milne at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 08:07:39 EST 2006

"David Pratt -Hi Michael. First you need a way to get to the root of
your site two
different ways. First is using the domain you have your ssl on and the
other for your other domain name(s)"

Thanks for that David. I will try out what you say.Hopefully it will
work because not being able to do multiple virtual hosts on SSL is a
real problem.

"Jonathan Cyr
<cyrj at cyr.info>to ZOPE.org More options  Jan 24 (14 hours ago)
You can have one HTTPS/SSL per IP per port."

Jonathan, so this would mean using one IP address with SSL on multiple
port addresses , 90, 100, 110 etc etc which would then match to the
Plone 8080 port?

The port doesn't have to be 443?

On 1/25/06, Tino Wildenhain <tino at wildenhain.de> wrote:
> Jeff Donsbach schrieb:
> > On 1/24/06, michael nt milne <michael.milne at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >>Ok, thanks. The annoying thing is that I am renting a virtual dedicated
> >>server which allows multiple domain names obviously but not multiple IP
> >>addresses. Or it probably costs more for that. Do you reckon SSL will ever
> >>be available for virtual single IP based hosts?
> >
> >
> > I believe you can use SSL and name based virtual hosts if you use
> > unique ports for each vhost. I've never done it myself, but I remember
> > reading that somewhere in Apache documentation that it was possible.
> Well we are telling exactly this all the time here in this thread :-)
> But strictly speaking its not "name based" vhost if you use the IP
> address to determine the vhost. It usually has a name too (and it has
> to - in order for the certificate to work)
> And for the hosting provider, dont believe they know all and everything.
> Been there, seen so much... ;)
> Regards
> Tino

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