[Zope] Zope 2.9.3/2.9.1 On Suse 10.1 box version

Jeremy Smith jeremy at ucdavis.edu
Fri Jul 14 10:44:41 EDT 2006


I just ran into this same problem. After much poking around, it turned
out that the source of the problem was that the zlib module for Python
had not been compiled because I didn't have the zlib development stuff
(in zlib-devel on RH and similar, not sure about Suse) installed.
Installing zlib-devel, then recompiling Python from source solved the



zope-request at zope.org wrote:

>Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 20:51:28 +0200
>From: dieter at handshake.de
>Subject: Re: [Zope] Zope 2.9.3/2.9.1 On Suse 10.1 box version
>To: lists at weisglass.net
>Cc: zope at zope.org
>Message-ID: <17580.2608.567655.46659 at gargle.gargle.HOWL>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Ofer Weisglass wrote at 2006-7-5 01:38 +0300:
>>> ...
>>>I updated the python to the last version and this is what I get after the
>>>zope installation was over with no errors (already created instance,
>>>username and password)
>>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> ...
>>>    setImplementation("C")
>>>  File "/usr/software/zope/lib/python/AccessControl/Implementation.py",
>>>line 51, in setImplementation
>>>    from AccessControl import ImplC as impl
>>>  File "/usr/software/zope/lib/python/AccessControl/ImplC.py", line 30, in ?
>>>    from ImplPython import RestrictedDTML, SecurityManager,
>>>ImportError: No module named ImplPython
>This looks like a missing installation step (generation of the
>C-extensions did not happen).
>Recheck the installation instructions and try again.
> -- Dieter

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