[Zope] Re: cant log in using userinit user and logging issue

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Fri Jul 21 15:50:40 EDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Noah wrote:
> zope-2.8.8
> freebsd-4.11
> I am setting up zope for the first time and I still cannot log into to
> zope.
> I set the username password in the inituser file and placed it in the
> /usr/local/www/Zope dir
> I even regenerated the file and still I am not able to get in.
> is there any logging I can turn on to really show what is going on here.
> I see that the Z2.log file is scrolling but there is nothing to say
> there is an erorr and why the authentication is failing?
> clues please?

The 'inituser' file should be consumed at the next startup of Zope, at
which point the credentials you used to create the file should work.  E.g.:

  $ cd /var/lib/zope  # the "instance home"
  $ echo 'admin:123' > inituser
  $ bin/zopectl stop
  $ bin/zopectl start
  .daemon process started, pid=12345
  $ file inituser
  inituser: ERROR: cannot open `inituser' (No such file or directory)

An equivalent option would be to use the 'adduser' command of zopectl, e.g.:

  $ bin/zopectl
  program: /var/lib/zope/bin/runzope
  program running; pid=12345
  zopectl> stop
  . daemon process stopped
  zopectl> adduser admin 123
  zopectl> start
  . daemon process started, pid=34567

In this version, you can skip the 'stop' and 'start' if you are running
Zope with ZEO enabled.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 202-558-7113          tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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