[Zope] Zope pretends to receive and send XMLRPC data, but strace sees nothing ! (fwd)

Martijn Pieters mj at zopatista.com
Thu Jan 25 03:43:08 EST 2007

On 1/24/07, Maciej Wisniowski <maciej.wisniowski at coig.katowice.pl> wrote:
> Another question, do you use ZEO? I know there were some issues
> with _p_resolveConflict and ZEO (at last in Zope 2.8.x). Result
> was that with ZEO setup _p_resolveConflict was not called at all.
> There is solution for this but I don't know if this is your case
> especially that you are dealing with TemporaryStorage which is
> typically managed by ZEO Client...

If ZEO cannot reach your product (import it), it cannot run any
conflict resolution. Make sure that the ZEO server setup has access to
those Products that do conflict resolution.

Martijn Pieters

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