[Zope] using smart folder to pick certain number of news articles to display in the home page

Martijn Pieters mj at zopatista.com
Sat Jun 30 14:50:02 EDT 2007

On 6/30/07, kamal hamzat <hamzat at dnetsystems.net> wrote:
> I have folders containing the news articles, I have created a smart folder
> in the root that allows me to display these articles in the homepage of my
> website. How can I can I set up the smart folder so that just the first two
> articles that matched my criteria from each folder are display in the home
> page.

You can't. Smart Folders cannot handle such a complex scenario. You'll
have to create a custom python script and template combination that
makes the query, sorts it by path and filters out any results over 2
per folder. This'll require some python coding.

Martijn Pieters

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