[Zope] Re: Best Practice for including Javascript in Zope Applications

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Wed Jan 2 00:16:06 EST 2008

--On 1. Januar 2008 21:16:21 -0500 Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com> 

>> What should I do to use these libraries?  Is there a canned solution for
>> this sort of thing?
> The simplest route:
>   - Create a "File" object in the ZMI for each separate javascript
>     library (e.g., 'extlibrary.js').
>   - Upload the static content of the library file to that object.
>   - Include a link to the JS library in your master page template,
>     e.g.::
>      <script type="text/javascript" src="/extlibrary.js" />

Larger JS frameworks like Dojo tend to be split across several files and 
directories. The fun starts when such frameworks load/reload stuff
using relative URLs. A co-worker using Dojo intensively had to invest
some time in order to integrate such a JS monster properly. As far as I 
remember Extjs also uses multiple files (but not as much as Dojo does)..so 
please check in advance.

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