[Zope] help debugging a "can't pickle" error deep within a catalog reindex

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Thu Jun 19 14:56:08 EDT 2008

Rob Miller wrote at 2008-6-17 15:47 -0700:
> ...
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> ....
>line 407, in serialize
>     return self._dump(meta, obj.__getstate__())
>   File 
>line 416, in _dump
>     self._p.dump(state)
>   File "copy_reg.py", line 69, in _reduce_ex
>     raise TypeError, "can't pickle %s objects" % base.__name__
>TypeError: can't pickle instancemethod objects

Reproduce the problem in an interactive Python interpreter
("bin/zopectl debug" on *nix; alternatives for Win*).
Call "pdb.pm()" (or probably better "dm.pdb.zpdb.pm()" ("dm.pdb"
can be found on PyPI)) and go up two call frames.
Look at "obj". With a bit of looks, you see which objects
this is and where it comes from.


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