[Zope3-checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/zope/app/publication/tests - test_zopepublication.py:

R. David Murray bitz@bitdance.com
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 11:56:31 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/src/zope/app/publication/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv8593

Modified Files:
      Tag: NameGeddon-branch
Log Message:
Browser tests are now in test_browserpublication, so this is just
the non-browser tests.  All app.publication tests now pass.

=== Zope3/src/zope/app/publication/tests/test_zopepublication.py => ===
--- Zope3/src/zope/app/publication/tests/test_zopepublication.py:	Tue Dec 24 10:21:53 2002
+++ Zope3/src/zope/app/publication/tests/test_zopepublication.py	Tue Dec 24 11:56:31 2002
@@ -13,29 +13,6 @@
 import unittest
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.component import getService, getServiceManager
-from zope.publisher.publish import publish
-from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
-from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPublisher
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPresentation
-from zope.proxy.context import getWrapperContext, wrapperTypes
-from zope.proxy.introspection import removeAllProxies
-from zope.security.checker import defineChecker, NamesChecker
-from zope.app.security.registries.principalregistry import principalRegistry
-from zope.app.security.grants.principalrolemanager \
-     import principalRoleManager
-from zope.app.publication.zopepublication import ZopePublication
-from zope.app.publication.browser import BrowserPublication
-from zope.app.publication.traversers import TestTraverser
 from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
 from zope.interface.implements import instancesOfObjectImplements
@@ -70,27 +47,6 @@
 from transaction import get_transaction
-def foo():
-    " "
-    return '<html><body>hello base fans</body></html>'
-class DummyPublished:
-    __implements__ = IBrowserPublisher
-    def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
-        if name == 'bruce':
-            return foo
-        raise KeyError, name
-    def browserDefault(self, request):
-        return self, ['bruce']
-class DummyView(DummyPublished, BrowserView):
-    __implements__ = DummyPublished.__implements__, BrowserView.__implements__
 class BasePublicationTests(PlacelessSetup, unittest.TestCase):
     klass = ZopePublication
@@ -131,237 +87,6 @@
         for interface in instancesOfObjectImplements(self.klass):
             verifyClass(interface, TestPublication)
-class BaseBrowserPublicationTests(BasePublicationTests):
-    def _createRequest(self, path, publication, **kw):
-        request = TestRequest(PATH_INFO=path, **kw)
-        request.setPublication(publication)
-        return request
-class BrowserDefaultTests(BaseBrowserPublicationTests):
-    """
-    test browser default
-    many views lead to a default view
-    <base href="/somepath/@@view/view_method">
-    """
-    klass = BrowserPublication
-    def testBaseTagNoBase(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath/@@view/', '')
-    def testBaseTag1(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath/@@view',
-                           '')
-    def testBaseTag2(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath/',
-                           '')
-    def testBaseTag3(self):
-        self._testBaseTags('/somepath',
-                           '')
-    def _testBaseTags(self, url, expected):
-        class I1(Interface): pass
-        from persistence import Persistent
-        class O1(Persistent):
-            __implements__ = I1
-        pub = BrowserPublication(self.db)
-        getService(None,'Views').provideView(I1, 'view',
-                           IBrowserPresentation, [DummyView])
-        getService(None,'Views').setDefaultViewName(I1,
-                             IBrowserPresentation, 'view')
-        getService(None, 'Views').provideView(None,
-                    '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [TestTraverser])
-        ob = O1()
-        ## the following is for running the tests standalone
-        principalRegistry.defineDefaultPrincipal(
-            'tim', 'timbot', 'ai at its best')
-        principalRoleManager.assignRoleToPrincipal('Manager', 'tim')
-        # now place our object inside the application
-        from transaction import get_transaction
-        connection = self.db.open()
-        app = connection.root()['Application']
-        app.somepath = ob
-        get_transaction().commit()
-        connection.close()
-        defineChecker(app.__class__, NamesChecker(somepath='xxx'))
-        req = self._createRequest(url, pub)
-        response = req.response
-        publish(req, handle_errors=0)
-        self.assertEqual(response.getBase(), expected)
-    def _createRequest(self, path, publication, **kw):
-        request = TestRequest(PATH_INFO=path, **kw)
-        request.setPublication(publication)
-        return request
-class SimpleObject:
-    def __init__(self, v):
-        self.v = v
-class I1(Interface):
-    pass
-class mydict(dict):
-    __implements__ = I1
-class BrowserPublicationTests(BaseBrowserPublicationTests):
-    klass = BrowserPublication
-    def testNativeTraverseNameWrapping(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob = DummyPublished()
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(self._createRequest('/bruce',pub), ob, 'bruce')
-        self.failUnless(ob2 is not ob)
-        self.failUnless(type(ob2) in wrapperTypes)
-    def testAdaptedTraverseNameWrapping(self):
-        class Adapter:
-            " "
-            __implements__ = IBrowserPublisher
-            def __init__(self, context, request):
-                self.context = context
-                self.counter = 0
-            def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
-                self.counter+=1
-                return self.context[name]
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I1, '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [Adapter])
-        ob = mydict()
-        ob['bruce'] =  SimpleObject('bruce')
-        ob['bruce2'] =  SimpleObject('bruce2')
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(self._createRequest('/bruce',pub), ob, 'bruce')
-        self.failUnless(type(ob2) in wrapperTypes)
-        unw = removeAllProxies(ob2)
-        self.assertEqual(unw.v, 'bruce')
-    def testAdaptedTraverseDefaultWrapping(self):
-        # Test default content and make sure that it's wrapped.
-        class Adapter:
-            __implements__ = IBrowserPublisher
-            def __init__(self, context, request):
-                self.context = context
-            def browserDefault(self, request):
-                return (self.context['bruce'], 'dummy')
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I1, '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [Adapter])
-        ob = mydict()
-        ob['bruce'] =  SimpleObject('bruce')
-        ob['bruce2'] =  SimpleObject('bruce2')
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob2, x = pub.getDefaultTraversal(self._createRequest('/bruce',pub), ob)
-        self.assertEqual(x, 'dummy')
-        self.failUnless(type(ob2) in wrapperTypes)
-        unw = removeAllProxies(ob2)
-        self.assertEqual(unw.v, 'bruce')
-    # XXX we no longer support path parameters! (At least for now)
-    def XXXtestTraverseSkinExtraction(self):
-        class I1(Interface): pass
-        class C: __implements__ = I1
-        class BobView(DummyView): pass
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        ob = C()
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I1, 'edit', IBrowserPresentation, [BobView])
-        r = self._createRequest('/@@edit;skin=zmi',pub)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r , ob, '@@edit;skin=zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(r.getPresentationSkin(), 'zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(ob2.__class__ , BobView)
-        r = self._createRequest('/@@edit;skin=zmi',pub)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r , ob, '@@edit;skin=zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(r.getPresentationSkin(), 'zmi')
-        self.assertEqual(ob2.__class__ , BobView)
-    def testTraverseName(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        class C:
-            x = SimpleObject(1)
-        ob = C()
-        r = self._createRequest('/x',pub)
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(None, '_traverse', IBrowserPresentation, [TestTraverser])
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r, ob, 'x')
-        self.assertEqual(removeAllProxies(ob2).v, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(getWrapperContext(ob2), ob)
-    def testTraverseNameView(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        class I(Interface): pass
-        class C:
-            __implements__ = I
-        ob = C()
-        class V:
-            def __init__(self, context, request): pass
-            __implements__ = IBrowserPresentation
-        r = self._createRequest('/@@spam',pub)
-        provideView=getService(None, "Views").provideView
-        provideView(I, 'spam', IBrowserPresentation, [V])
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r, ob, '@@spam')
-        self.assertEqual(removeAllProxies(ob2).__class__, V)
-        self.assertEqual(getWrapperContext(ob2), ob)
-    def testTraverseNameServices(self):
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        class C:
-            def getServiceManager(self):
-                return SimpleObject(1)
-        ob = C()
-        r = self._createRequest('/++etc++Services',pub)
-        ob2 = pub.traverseName(r, ob, '++etc++Services')
-        self.assertEqual(removeAllProxies(ob2).v, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(getWrapperContext(ob2), ob)
-    def testTraverseNameApplicationControl(self):
-        from zope.app.applicationcontrol.applicationcontrol \
-             import applicationController, applicationControllerRoot
-        pub = self.klass(self.db)
-        r = self._createRequest('/++etc++ApplicationController',pub)
-        ac = pub.traverseName(r,
-                              applicationControllerRoot,
-                              '++etc++ApplicationController')
-        self.assertEqual(ac, applicationController)
-        r = self._createRequest('/++etc++ApplicationController',pub)
-        app = r.publication.getApplication(r)
-        self.assertEqual(app, applicationControllerRoot)
 class Principal:
     def __init__(self, id): self._id = id
     def getId(self): return self._id
@@ -457,13 +182,8 @@
         publication.afterTraversal(request, ob)
         self.assertEqual(request.user.getId(), 'test.bob')
 def test_suite():
-    t2 = unittest.makeSuite(BrowserPublicationTests, 'test')
-    t3 = unittest.makeSuite(BrowserDefaultTests, 'test')
-    t4 = unittest.makeSuite(ZopePublicationTests)
-    return unittest.TestSuite((t2, t3, t4))
+    return unittest.makeSuite(ZopePublicationTests)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     unittest.TextTestRunner().run( test_suite() )